Outage Probability of Communication Link in LTE-TDD System Operating at Spectrum Block 13 and 14


  • Herman Kanalebe Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Hans Christianto Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Austin Darian Pratama Universitas Pelita Harapan




LTE-TDD, Interference, Guardband, MSD, SIR, Sensitivity, Outrage, Outage Probability


Communication failure in a mobile radio system occurred due to large and small scale fading as well as interference in the communication channel. Fading may cause the received signal to drop below the receiver sensitivity while the interference reduces the SIR (Signal to Interference Ratio) level. In this study we analyze the outage probability of a communication link due to the impact of pathloss, fading and interference in the frequency range of 2300-2400 MHZ used in LTE TDD mobile communication system. Two propagation models and 4 interference scenarios are considered in this work. From our simulation result, in scenario 2 MS to MS interference, reducing 50% in guarband between interferer and interference victim from 10 MHz to 5 MHz will increase the outage probability from 78 to 82 %. While for the same condition, 50 m distance between the interferer and the interference victim, as the number of interferers increases from 1 to 2 interferers the outage probability will increase from 30 to 45 %.



2022-04-24 — Updated on 2022-04-24
